Category: Military

Military, Uncategorized

Our surprise early goodbye

The minutes are ticking away until he leaves again. Again. Didn’t he just get home? Yesterday afternoon, after two weeks of much needed vacation as a family, my husband called one of his buddies to ask what time they needed to be in at work the next morning. Less than a minute into the conversation, I heard a change in his voice. “Monday?” he asked, groaning. My stomach dropped. Sometimes, my husbandtell me the rest!

Marriage, Military

My Marine is home–and it’s quite the readjustment

It’s amazing, the habits we can create in nothing but a month and a half of being apart. My husband is home again–hallelujah! Home at last, even if just for a few short weeks. It’s been five days since his return and I feel like we’re settling back in to our routines, but it hasn’t been without challenges. He is used to playing cards with the guys and riding aroundtell me the rest!

Marriage, Military

The freedom of being somewhat-single since my Marine left–but I’d choose him any day

It’s been almost five weeks since my husband left due to the Marine Corps having big plans for him. I can’t believe it–I’m quite sure it’s been the fastest five weeks in history–and I also can’t believe that means my husband will be home very soon. But perhaps the thing I can’t believe most of all is how much I’ve enjoyed myself since he left. Don’t let me lose you yet, okay? Itell me the rest!

Military, Uncategorized

We can choose life because of their sacrifices

Being alone today has brought it’s own unique struggle. I’ve been alone for a month now and I’ve been fine–more than fine, really. I’ve been enjoying myself and the time with my son and the freedom of having the car. Then came the 96, one of the few us military families get during the year, and my husband is in another country so it makes no difference to me. I’mtell me the rest!


Six goodbyes down

It’s Wednesday morning, same as it was seven mornings ago, but this time with one third of the family missing. My son is crying because I accidentally woke him too soon, I am flanked by breakfast and my keyboard, and the early morning sun is filtering in through the massive windows in our home office. Michael W. Smith’s refrains waft across the living room and the sink is full because Itell me the rest!


Un-preparing myself for him to leave

If you could see my living room floor right now, you might cringe. Or laugh, depending on whether you’re one of the military wife tribe or not. There are sea bags–four of them–propped up against the sofa and lying empty on the floor, waiting to be filled with all sorts of sweat and dirt soaked gear. A laptop lies open on the seat next to me, the printer chugging away in the office,tell me the rest!

Are our kids really watching us? How do we raise them up wholesome in a corrupt world?
Military, Motherhood

Are our kids really watching us?

When my son was about six months old, I decided it was about time to teach him sign language. He couldn’t communicate with words and I don’t speak screaming baby so we needed to find a new system. For weeks, I would touch my fingers together trying to teach him “more”. I would fold my hands under my head when it was time for him to sleep. I would opentell me the rest!